
There are a number of ways to make a donation to Magen Avot. Whichever you choose, we're very grateful for your support.

Magen Avot is part of the United Synagogue, Charity No. 242552

Card payment
You can make a donation using a card on the United Synagogue website. Under "Please direct by gift to" select "my community".

Achisomoch online or app
If you have an Achisomoch charity account with online access, you can make a payment using their website or app.

Smart Giving
If you have a Smart Giving charity account with online access, you can make a payment using their website or app.

By bank transfer
Account name: Magen Avot
Sort Code: 60-80-07
Account Number: 60217278
Reference: Please include your last name, initials and reason, e.g. "Smith AJ Aliya".

Cheques or charity vouchers
You can make an online payment from Achisomoch, or cheques and charity vouchers, payable to Magen Avot, can be sent to:

Magen Avot
c/o United Synagogue
305 Ballards Lane
London N12 8GB

Thanks you once again for your support.